Wednesday, September 15, 2010

snow college take 2!

Jantzen and I are back at Snow College!! It's definitely a huge adjustment coming back without all my old friends, but i'm trying to make the best of things. One thing that I have realized the most is that lots of rudeee people decided to come to Ephraim this semester. Last year, we never really had problems with anyone being rude for no reason, but this semester is a different story which is super lame. I'm not a big fan of all these high school kids bringing all that mean crap to my friendly little college. Hopefully they'll straighten up, but for the moment, it's real frustrating.
   My car apparently needed it's oil changed a short 4,500 miles ago, and I am much too lazy to mess with that, so I have been riding my bike everywhere! Thank goodness Jantz has a car this semester though! wal-mart is quite a ways to bike with a ton of groceries haha. College is going good though. VERYY busy schedule this semester which is kicking my butt. I go to class all day, and then have to come home just to do homework for the rest of the evening... not a big fan. But photo 2 and sewing classes are real great!!
  Off to bed since I have class in the morning!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


  It has been an extremely busy month for Jantzen and I. We headed up to Utah for the 4th with my parents, got back to Omaha for a few days and had to turn around and drive back again. Janzens grandma Hannah passed away on July 17th so we headed back out there for the funeral. It was a hard time, but we had a really nice visit with his whole family. 
  While we were out there, I got a call from oriental trading company and found out I got the job!!! Today I went in to fill out paper work, scheduled my drug test for tomorrow morning and should start by the end of the week! I'm so excited. I will be working Monday- Friday noon to 4 at $9/ hour. It works out great because I will still be able to pick up shifts at Pepperjax so i'll be making some pretty good money finalllyy! Too bad i'm headed back to school in a month. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

summer bummer.

The search for a job continues.. Jantzen and I have been applying at places all over Omaha looking for a job and no luck so far. Jantzen got an interview for a few places, but none of them have ended up working out darn it! So he has been donating plasma twice a week so that he has money for gas and food.. I am not a fan of him getting poked twice a week at a sketchy plasma bank multiple times weekly, but thats our only option right now darn it. I finally got called for an interview yesterday! Woo hoo! It's Wednesday at 11. I'm soo nervous but i'm sure ill do great. Other than that, not much has been happening in my life. Just trying to stay motivated with my online class so that I can go back to Snow next year and sewing a little here and there.
  We recently had almost the entire family home for almost a week.. Chris and his girlfriend Erica came out for one of Chris' good friends wedding so we got to all hang out as a family (minus Jord and Kristina of coarse :[ ) It was a blast! We made a family trip to the zoo then went to cheesecake factory as an early family dinner for my 19th birthday. Oh yeah, I celebrated a birthday a couple of weeks ago. I am officially considered an adult in the state of Nebraska! It's insane to think that next year I will no longer be a teenager.. scarrryyy!! But all in all, it was a good birthday.
I have also began assisting Kameron Bayne with his photo shoots. My first one was a senior picture photo shoot. I had an absolute blast helping out! I loved every aspect of it and learned a ton in the process. Kameron is an INCREDIBLE photographer so i'm extremely blessed to be able to follow him around and pick his brain apart about photography etc. He has an extremely insightful and uplifting point of view on things so speaking to him is always interesting. I can't wait to be able to work/ learn from him more. If you ever have some time I would highly recommend taking a look at his website. He has so much talent..
Here are a few pictures from the past month or so (my birthday/ family trip to the zoo etc). I'll try and get better about updating more regularly!